Sponsorships in accordance with "Richtlinien Garantiefonds Hochschulbereich (RL-GF-H)" - As of June 2019

At the GF-H educational guidance counselling, refugees and late re-settlers can apply for acceptance to a sponsorship programme, in accordance with “Richtlinien Garantiefonds Hochschulbereich (RL-GF-H)”. Applicants can also register ONLINE or by completing a printed version of the GF-H-form (and submitting it by mail or fax).
Acceptance to the sponsorship programme is only possible in combination with educational guidance counselling and educational planning.
The application to the sponsorship programme must take place before the applicant reaches the age of 30, in general, sponsorship will then expire after 30 months of training/education.
Educational guidance centres: here
Scholarships in accordance with the RL-GF-H regulations are granted on a case-by-case basis for the following measures:
- Intensive German language courses (target level C1 CEFR, or for university applicants also for the TestDaF or DSH language tests)
- Intensive English courses for university applicants with a university entrance qualification without previous knowledge of the English language (target level B1/B2 CEFR)
- Preparatory classes focused on mathematics
- Special training courses for obtaining university entrance qualification
- Upper secondary school courses with late entrance stream and preparatory courses for such schools
The scholarships may cover:
- Tuition costs (where not borne by the state)
- Living expenses (in accordance with Section 13 (I) No. 2 BaföG)
- Accommodation costs
- Travel expenses
Koordinierungsstelle Garantiefonds Hochschulbereich (GF-H)
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Jugendsozialarbeit (BAG KJS) e. V.
Carl-Mosterts-Platz 1
40477 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 9448529
E-Mail: bldngsbrtngbgkjsd